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GIFT Anthologies

Deadline extended for GIFT Submissions to Monday September 9, 2024

Great Ideas for Teaching Award (GIFT)

The Great Ideas for Teaching program is open to all community college instructors, full-time or part-time, in any discipline. GIFT facilitates the sharing of ideas to inspire faculty, advance great ideas, and generate new ones.

The Great Ideas for Teaching program was created by Dr. Brenda Vance, a psychology instructor at Tulsa Community College. Dr. Vance passed away many years ago, but her legacy survived with Cyndi Hess continuing the GIFT program for awhile. Then, beginning in 2001, Dr. Doug Price, also from Tulsa Community College, took the lead with creative enthusiasm. He solicited more faculty involvement, presented greater incentives for faculty participation, and truly made the GIFT concept a gift to all for nearly a decade. In 2010, Cherry Rain from Redlands Community College was named chair.

Since 2016, the OACC Conference Planning Committee have been given the opportunity to review each proposal and select the winning GIFT proposal(s). The winner(s) receive a $500 cash award. 

Check out our previous years GIFT Anthologies below!

Submitting Your GIFT Proposal

Ideas will be published in the anthology in the format in which they are submitted. By submitting, each entrant acknowledges and consents to publication in the GIFT Anthology only. Also, entrants consent to have contact information published in the anthology so that readers can inquire further.

How to enter: Fill out the online GIFT application below and attach your proposal at the GIFT Submissions link below. Please save your submission with the title of your proposal and last name(s). You may also email your application to Please see below on the format your proposal should be submitted:

Format for submitting GIFT

Title (centered)

  • The Rationale
  • The pedagogical problem or issue addressed
  • The Idea
  • Impact on Students

Contact Information (this line centered)

  • Name
  • College
  • Position or Department
  • Email
  • Phone Number

AWARD ENTRIES MUST NOT EXCEED TWO PAGES SINGLE SPACED. Please send your entry as an attached Word document and email to

Please save your submission with the title of your proposal and last name(s).

Entries will be judged on the following criteria:

  • How well does the submission capture the reader’s attention?
  • How well does the submission articulate the GIFT to a general audience?
  • Is the problem or issue addressed prevalent in other classrooms?
  • Is the idea clearly explained?
  • Is the idea a unique contribution to the practice of education?
  • Is the idea effective?
  • Does the submission show positive impact on students?
  • Can the idea be easily implemented by other educators, at least within the discipline?
  • Does the submission entice the reader to find out more?